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AAC Public Meeting @ Florida Museum of Natural History
11 Aug 2015
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida Cultural Plaza, 3215 Hull Road, Gainesville, FL 32611-2710
Join us for an exciting and interesting evening at the Florida Museum of Natural History!
7:00 - 7:30 General Meeting & Announcements
7:30 - 7:45 Refreshments
7:45 - Invited Speaker
Speaker: Rebecca Pitts (Graduate Student, Department of Astronomy, University of Florida)
Title: Introducing Neutron Stars (From a Safe Distance)
Neutron stars defy any pithy description, such is the extremity to
which they push the bounds of every known law of physics. The mass of
Sirius in a sphere the size of Orlando, Florida. A crust 10 billion
times tougher than steel. Surface gravity pushing 100 billion g’s,
and a magnetic field strong enough to rip every charged particle from
its surface at relativistic speeds in spite of that. And most of them
were found because they blast us up to hundreds of times per second
with jets of radio waves, x-rays, gamma-rays and more. Like that one
really tough and scary teacher we all had in our primary school years,
by the end of the lecture you'll be happy you got to know neutron
stars, and just as glad to know you don't share a neighborhood with
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