Unfortunately the weather is not cooperating. We will reschedule and post a new date.
This event is for AAC members only.
Join Richard Hennig and Rich Russin for the second in a new series of ATM(Amatuer Telescope Making) workshops.
The next ATM will be Saturday, March 4 from 2-5 pm at the Newberry Star Park.
You may wish to bring a folding chair for your comfort as the benches are being repaired and may not be ready in time for the meeting.
Following last month’s very successful inaugural session, we have 3 topics scheduled based on group feedback.
2-2:30pm Eyepiece Selection
2:30-3pm Optimizing a night sky viewing session
3-5pm Setup and repair of your scopes
Important notice regarding the setup and repair session-
This session is in response to individuals who stated they needed assistance with their scope. Our goal is to get you up and running(and observing) as soon as possible. When you register, please add some additional information in the comments-
Your scope brand and model (i.e. Celestron 8 inch SCT)
The issue you need help with (i.e. won’t focus)
This will be helpful for Richard and I to ensure we have the proper tools on hand.