Co-Hosting with KikaSilva Pla Planetarium – Santa Fe College
AAC volunteers are invited to set up for solar viewing in the courtyard in front of the Planetarium starting at 11 am, then by noon we should have people showing up to see the eclipse.
Eclipse viewing will be between noon and 2:45 PM.
The time frame for the eclipse is:
11:57 EDT (partial eclipse begins) = 2% coverage
13:17 - 13:27 EDT (max eclipse for Gainesville) = 54% coverage
14:47 EDT (end of eclipse for Gainesville) = 3% coverage
The Planetarium will be showing "Eclipse: The Story of Our Nearest Neighbor in Space" at 11:00 AM. The Planetarium's regular schedule will resume at 3 PM.
Event coordinator contact Lisa Eager 352-318-4074