We are a GO for tonight.
- Bring a chair. There are none available at the site.
- Temperature is likely to be in the mid to low 60's. A light jacket is suggested.
- Brownies and cold water provided. You can bring your own drink, but no alcohol.
- If you have an S50, bring it!
All registrants should have received an email with the address and directions to the event site. If you have not, let me know ASAP.
This is the second ATM of the 2024 season. Note that this session is limited to 10 active club members. Pre-registration is closed.

Hosts: Rich Russin and Matthew Peters
Topic: Introduction to the ZWO Seestar S50 Smart Telescope
- We will start with a short PowerPoint presentation about the S50
- We will then split into 2 groups of 5 for a hands on demo of the setup and operation of the S50
- After the demo, there will be an open forum with the hosts who will share some insider tips for better astrophotos.
Location: The event will be held at a private site in Jonesville. Once your registration has been accepted, you will get a map with the address where we will meet.
- Pre-registration is required. If there is sufficient demand, we will do another session.
- We are scheduled for Tuesday, March 5. If weather does not cooperate, the ATM will be automatically rescheduled for Wednesday, then Thursday as necessary. Announcements will be sent.
- Please do not register if you are not sure you can attend.
- Board members- do not register. Contact me directly via email or call.
About the Hosts:
Rich Russin
I am the ATM Coordinator for the Club. I consider myself an advocational astronomer with a heavy interest in astronomy related gear. I started with the club in 2005 and was president in 2009. My primary interests include astro equipment, eclipses, meteorites, and cultural astronomy, especially in the American Southwest.
Matthew Peters
My wife and I are originally from Ohio and moved to Gainesville about 6 years ago. While I do not have any formal or professional ties to astronomy, all things space/spaceflight have been a long enduring love of mine. Professionally I work in the hospitality industry where I attended culinary school and worked my way up to serve as the Executive Chef at a couple places along the way, with a focus on catering and healthcare. I currently serve as the Retail and Events Manager at The Village at Gainesville. As a relative newbie to the hobby I am eager to learn from more "seasoned" members (couldn't resist a good pun) about where the hobby and club have been and actively participate in where it is going.
Some images taken by the host with a S50: